Yes, we do support GD & ImageMagick modules across all our servers. The module-binaries are...
HTTP Error Codes!400 Bad Request The user’s request contains incorrect syntax. 401 Unauthorized The...
How To Set Up A Cron Job?This tutorial is going to show you how to setup a cron job in cPanel the easy way. You can...
How can I Enable Mod-Rewrite Module?In order to enable Mod_Rewrite for your site you should create a text file called .htacccess in...
How can I Login into cPanel / WHM / Webmail?You can login to cPanel by :
How do I Auto-Redirect my Web Pages?Redirects are used when you want to point a specific url or web page to another location. For...
How do I Configure my Desktop's Mail Client with an Email Account?A mail client is an application you use to check your email. The mail client can be either web...
How to Install a Python WSGI Application on Beta Host ServerInstall the application To install an application, perform the following steps: Log in to...
How to provide WHM/Master Reseller with Zamfoo/WHMReseller Panel?If you have Master/Alpha Reseller account with Beta Host, do the following to give WHM Panel to...
How-to enable PHP 7 on your Web HostingHow can I run PHP 7 on my website? PHP 7.4 is the latest version of PHP and can provide a...
I Have Problems Accessing my MYSQL Database RemotelyIf you have problems accessing your database remotely please make sure that: You are using...
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